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 Doula Services

Birth doula $1,800.

  • Interview/consultation at the location of your choosing

  • One to two In-home prenatal appointment, approximately 90 minutes

  • 24/7 on call cell/text services from 38 weeks until birth.  

  • Continuous labor support when you are ready, and staying until after baby's first feed 

  • In-home postpartum visit

  • Continuous check-ins for 3 months following birth



Twin and Triplets Doula $2200.

  • Interview/consultation at the location of your choosing

  • In-home prenatal appointment, approximately 90 minutes

  • 24/7 on call cell/text services from 34 weeks until birth.  

  • Continuous labor support when you are ready, and staying until after babies first feed 

  • In-home postpartum visit

  • Continuous check-ins for 3 months following birth



Postpartum Doula Care


Welcome Home Package4 hours of care $175

Let's make the transition from hospital to home as gentle as possible.  Text when you're leaving the hospital and we'll meet at home.  While you settle into bed, let me unpack, start the laundry, and prepare a meal for you.  Any questions you have can be answered immediately, with gentle non-judgement, allowing for you to set the tone of parenthood.

Advanced bookings please.


Postpartum Care Options:

Parenting another tiny human or humans can be overwhelming and exhausting!  Having another pair of hands can provide the knowledge, skills and gentle care you need.  Postpartum services includes facilitating laundry, kitchen and pets while you settle into the roll of parent.  Sometimes this is calm encouragement, some times it's managing baby while you get essential sleep.


Day hours are between 8am - 5pm, minimum of 4 hours of care

$40 per hour

Evening hours are 5pm-8am, minimum of 4 hours of care 

$45 per hour



Childbirth Education Options


Private Childbirth Classes - $250

Understanding the process of labor and birth is essential for reducing stress for parents.  During our private 4-5 hour class we will address all aspects of birth. This includes stages of labor, vaginal and cesarean births, pain management options and birth plans.  Facilitated discussions meets everyone's informational needs to feel more prepared for birth.


Comfort Positions for Labor - $150

A two hour class specifically for you to feel more comfortable and build partner confidence. Positions to help align baby for birth are great to start before labor begins, and continue on until you meet face to face. Providing partner hands on education will increase their skills during labor. This helps everyone to relax because you've practiced together. 


Private Question and Answer Session - $75

Feeling confident about birth, but just have a few questions that need to discussed objectively? Then let's sit down together and answer them. Questions range from extended family organization, circumcision, to birth planning.  Bringing home a baby sometimes needs a facilitated conversation.  




Photo: K Tobin Video

"For reasons beyond what we can quantify or articulate, Jennifer’s participation in the birth of our child was by far the best decision we could have made." 

- Gordon

Weeno Photography 2024 (26 of 52)-(ZF-7168-94049-1-001).jpg

Photo: Weeno Photography

EnCourage Doula Care has 3 reduced rate packages available per year for new families on limited budgets. 

Payment plans arranged individually.

Please inquire for details. 

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